Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sandy Creek Park

What it is: It seems like we've been to every fabulous park that Durham has to offer.  However, turns out Durham has 66 official parks and we've been to under 30 of them!  So, let us know if you have a favorite Durham park that we haven't checked out yet.  Until then, we'll tell you about the latest great Durham park that we have discovered.

On one of the beautiful days that we had last week, my youngest son and I had a little bit of time before we had to pick up my oldest at preschool, so we found nearby Sandy Creek Park.  Apparently, it was created at the site of an old sewage treatment site.  Sounds scenic already, doesn't it?  It actually was a great stop.  They have, of course, cleaned up the site, but some of the old buildings are still standing.  They've put up a nice shelter with picnic tables, there's a big field to run and play in, then there's the creek running by.

Next to the field and picnic shelter there's a nice paved trail.  The trail heads down next to the creek for a short distance until it reaches a little fork.  One way heads to a brand new bridge over the creek and into a grassy meadow where the trail turns to dirt.  The other trail actually continues on bordering the creek to Pickett Rd. and then to Cornwallis Rd. Park. While we didn't take that trail, I think it would be a fabulous trek to take with bikes or on foot.  However, we're not quite sure how long of a trail that would be.

One of the best things about this park is that it is a birdwatching hot spot.  The whole time we were there we heard the call of birds and even the occasional peck of a woodpecker.  While I'm not a skilled birdwatcher and I had a noisy toddler with me, we even managed to catch site of a few cardinals which my son enjoyed.  They even had a mailbox next to the trail with pamphlets of all of the birds that you could spot.

What we liked: It was a fun little place to wander in the middle of Durham.  In fact, you can even see the park sign from 15-501 when the trees are bare in the winter.  We loved all of the birds chirping and the scenic creek.  The trail was also wide and nicely maintained as was the bridge.  I also thing it's fun that you can ride or walk from this park to Cornwallis Rd. Park.  Also, it's sometimes nice to have a break from a playground and realize that not every park has to have one.

What we would change: It's a great little stop, and I'm not sure what we would change except maybe more trail options to explore.

Website and other important information:

Address: 3510 SANDY CREEK DRIVE 27707


(A view of the picnic shelter and field)

(The trail next to the creek)

(A view of the creek from the new bridge)

(A little dirt trail past the bridge)

(Bird lists)

1 comment:

  1. thank you for posting about this park! I always knew something was on the other side of 15-501 but I could never figure out what it was. thanks also for sharing all of your adventures with us. I've learned so many things about Durham through your site.
