Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fantastic Giveaway! North Carolina Symphony

Wow!  We have a great giveaway for you, and hurry and enter because it won't last long!  This time, our wonderful readers have the opportunity to win tickets for a family of four to the NC Symphony's performance of The Music Man!  We're not just giving away one family four pack, we're giving away FOUR!  So, if you enter, the odds are definitely in your favor.  The performance is this Sunday, April 15th at 3pm, so you have to act quick.  

Here's a quick description of the show.  The recommended age is 8 and up.  However, kids are welcome and if you have younger kids that you think would enjoy it, then I would definitely enter.  

For more than fifty years, The Music Man’s timeless story of love and devotion—as well as trouble with a capital T—has delighted audiences of all ages. Now we’re staging your favorite selections from Meredith Willson’s treasured Broadway score, and we don’t need all seventy-six trombones to make it a musical showcase you won’t soon forget.  Here's a link to their website:

To enter, just post a comment on this blog post describing how you expose your children to music. (I'm interested to hear your opinions because I feel like my kids are always stuck on the same songs.)  As usual, you get extra entries for being a fan of Stir Crazy Moms on  facebook, twitter, or blogger.  Just let us know and we'll give you the extra entries.  Make sure you enter quick because you have to enter this giveaway by this Thursday April 12 at midnight!  

Happy entering and enjoy!


  1. We would love to win this. We find that our daughter really loves live music. We have a ton of instruments and try to go to FullSteam's Funday every weekend. She loves to dance and sing! Am a fan on facebook and follow your RSS feed.

  2. I would love to take musically curious 7 year old twins! They play accordion, an unusual instrument that encourages exploration of new genres, like French folk and German traditionals. We also do Wii dance games, which includes a huge range of styles of music and movement.

    Thanks for this site! I'm a fan three times over!

  3. We both love music and have tried a few things to expose our son. We've taken him to a few kids shows at the Carrboro Arts Center and at the NC Museum or Art. When he was a baby, we took him to a mommy and me music class. He has a box of musical instruments which is frequently playing around the house. He also has a weekly music hour at his daycare. Recently we took him to a show at the DPAC, which he loved, so a musical would be a fun new event. I'm a fan on Facebook as well as reading your blog.

  4. B's grandma makes him great mixes spanning lots of different genres; so do various friends, aunties, etc. The library has good stuff to try out too.

  5. sounds fun! we would love it! we have at home dance parties, get out instruments and have our own family band, and go to musicals & ballets. we our fans of our Facebook page too!

  6. We've always had the kids listen to many different genres of music even some of the probably not so appropriate for little ones music while in the car with me :( As they get older we've gone from the "wheels on the bus" to Disney Channel stars. Which leads to some very fun situations when you have your iphone on shuffle in the office and wheels on the bus comes on.
    I have to admit we leave the classical music exposure to my dad. He's the one that sits with the kiddos on his lap picking out classical music for the ipod. My dad is visiting so this show would be awesome for him and the boys!
    Love having a "this is what mommy and daddy listened to at your age" nights. Gives me a sense of pride when the kids know who Aerosmith, The Beatles, Pink Floyd etc are. LOL

    Love your blog and FB page!

  7. What a great giveaway! My kids would LOVE this! Recently my grandmother gave us her furniture-sized record player from the 1950s. She assembled quite a collection of records over the years! The kids love picking out records and playing them.

    We are also regulars at the Sunday morning concerts at Weaver Street - a great way to build appreciation for live music!

    Because of the mural on Franklin Street, my daughter now wants to play flute and my son wants to play violin! :-)

    Love your blog and facebook page!

  8. Awesome! Music is such a huge part of our household. We sing throughout the day and have a huge supply of play and "real" musical instruments to explore. Our kids love showtunes and we've all watched the movie together. Sunday is also my birthday!! ;)
