Saturday, April 28, 2012


What it is: Kidcycle is a consignment sale that happens twice a year at the University Mall in Chapel Hill.  I hate to tell everyone that it is over for the spring, but don't worry, they also have a sale coming in the fall for you to check out.  I wanted to tell everyone about it now because I just checked it out and discovered that it's a great place to find inexpensive clothes, toys, and other things that you need for your kids. Now that you know about it you can plan what you want to consign and buy in the fall!

I hadn't been planning on checking out the sale this time, but I happened to be in the mall waiting to pick up a race packet.  I stopped in and saw all of the great deals and I couldn't help myself.  I have two little boy birthdays coming up, and the toys were calling.  There were tricycles that were tempting, but I ended up with a great dinosaur puzzle and two big roaring dinosaurs for my oldest.  My youngest is going to be unwrapping some big pop beads and a set of four floor puzzles.  Those five new toys for my little ones cost me under $25.  How much would you pay to get that many toys at a toy store?

Normally when I hit consignment sales I am mainly looking at clothes.  I didn't even look at them this time, but I could tell that they had quite a selection as well as an entire rack of swimwear.  I could have spent a lot more time and money there, but I had to leave to pick up my race packet.  Good deals are so hard to resist!

What we liked:  I liked that the sale had a huge selection, but it wasn't so big that it was hard to find things.  Everything was located in one room, so you could see what was there.  And most importantly, the costs at Kidcycle are right, so you can afford to get what you need for your kids.  In addition, you can also bring things in to consign, which I have promised myself I will do this fall.  With consignment sales you can pass your things on to another family so you're not wasting all of your kids clothes and toys that still have a lot of wear left in them!

What we would change: The nature of a consignment sale is that you don't necessarily know what people are going to bring in from year to year, so you can't guarantee that you will find a given item or piece of clothing there.  Plus, the line to check out was long, but not as long as at other consignment sales that we've been to.

Website and other important information:


Address: 201 South Estes Drive, Chapel Hill, 27514 (In the old Kerr Drug location in University Mall across from the Roses.)

Dates: Check their website to find out their dates for fall.


(A view of the sale-Sorry for the blur, I'm still trying to figure out my camera phone, HA!)

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