Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dinosaurs at the Asheboro Zoo

What it is: We've already told you about how wonderful the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro is!  It's an hour an a half away from Durham, but it's worth every second of the drive.  You can wander around all day through their North America and Africa sections seeing all kinds of exotic animals.  It really is a great day trip from Durham.

We headed down to the zoo last week to check out a new exhibit and just opened in April.  Now, the zoo has a dinosaur exhibit.  What could be better for my little boys than dinos at the zoo!  We wandered around and saw many of the great sites in Africa-the lions were out basking in the sun for us, the ostriches were out strutting, and the chimps were playing with their baby.

The boys loved it, and then we arrived at the dinosaurs exhibit.  We walked in and there was one model dinosaur that the kids could sit and pose for a picture on.  We continued in to the exhibit and there were more models of dinosaurs, similar to those at the Museum of Life and Science.  The difference with these, however, was that these moved and made noise.  My older son was entranced.  He could have stayed in that exhibit for hours.  Then, we moved further in the exhibit and even found some dinosaurs that moved, roared, and spit water on unsuspecting observers.  While it was a bit unnerving at first, my boys both ended up loving it.  The exhibit finished with a fossil dig and a dinosaur exploration jeep to climb in.  Fun!

We topped off our dino day at the zoo by checking out the Dinosaurs 4D movie.  I have to warn you that I would NOT watch this short 5 minute movie with any kids under about 8 or 10.  My kids and those I was with were scared to death and had to leave before it was over, crying.  I think older kids would enjoy it, the chairs even move with the movie, but it's a bit much for little ones.

What we liked: We loved everything about the special dinosaur exhibit.  It was really neat that the dinosaurs moved and made noise.  It was a special touch.  In addition, it's nice that this exhibit is in the grounds of the regular zoo so you can combine it with a whole fun day at the zoo.

What we would change: You do have to remember that you have to pay for a more expensive ticket called the combo pass that costs an extra $6 to visit the dinosaur exhibit and to see the 4D movie.  That $6 will get you a combo pass which includes 4 tickets that can be used for any of the fun extras that the zoo has including the dinosaur exhibit, the carousel, the dino 4D movie, and the giraffe feeding deck with was unfortunately closed at the time of our visit.

Website and other important information:


Address: 4401 Zoo Parkway, Asheboro, NC

Hours: April-October: 9am-5pm, November-March: 9am-4pm

Ticket costs: The combo pass which will get you in to the dino exhibit is $14 for kids and $18 for adults. (That's $6 more than standard tickets.)





 (...and even more dinos!)

 (The infamous spitting dinosaur)

 (The sign for the scary dino movie)

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