Monday, July 30, 2012

Rock Ridge Park

What it is:  We've been meaning to check out this park in Pittsboro ever since one of the other Stir Crazy Moms went there and mentioned the word "zip line".  However, since it's all the way down in Pittsboro it took us a while to get down there, but once we did get there, it didn't disappoint.

I was worried at first because I missed the small exit on the country road and thought we'd never find it, but we did.  We couldn't see the playground from the parking lot, but a map assured us that it was there, so we got out at started to follow a trail.  We didn't have to walk far before we passed a picnic shelter and arrived at the playground.  It was clearly new and meant to look more natural with a wooden-looking play structure that blended in with the surroundings.

The playground was new and had some fun new equipment to play on.  I was excited to see a see saw that looked like a log.  My kids always love see saws and lots of playgrounds don't have them.  It was so big that I had to push them, but they loved it.  Then, we moved on to the play structure which had ladders to climb, a slide, a rock wall, and a great little treehouse type room on the top level.  I had to watch my littlest while he climbed up to that perch, but once he got up it was thankfully closed on all the other sides.

Then, we saw the zip line.  They had a rope hanging down from the zip line with a disc-shaped area for  someone to sit on.  I could run, grab the rope, and launch myself for a ride down the 80ft. or so zip line.  The little ones needed a bit more help. I would sit them on the seat and then run with them as I pushed them along the zip line.  My four year old was big enough to hang on the seat, so he had a good time running and then hanging on the zip line as he slid along it.  They also had a German style-pendulum swing with the same zip line style seats, but it was a little too big for my young ones to get any good out of (or maybe we just didn't know how to use it!).

The playground was in a much bigger park filled with lots of trails to explore.  However, we had a great time just hanging around at the playground.  When we left, I just happened to look at the map.  I noticed they also had labeled another playground further in the park than the one we checked out. I wondered if we had missed something.  However, after investigating further it looks like that playground may be a future development.

What we liked: We loved the unique play equipment like the see saw and zip line.  It was also nice that there were lots of trails in the park for us to get out and explore if we needed to get any other energy out.  I remember the trail we were on was paved, but as I looked I noticed that not all the trails were, so they may not all be stroller friendly.

What we would change: The only bathroom was a port-o-potty in the parking lot, but at least they had one.  Plus, if you're going on your own, keep in mind that when we went we were the only ones there and it was a ways down a trail away from the parking lot.  So, you will be pretty isolated if you're there by yourself.  However, while it seemed out in the middle of the woods, it also felt safe to us. Oh, and my kiddos needed some help to use a lot of the equipment, so it's not the best playground to go to if you want a nice relaxing time, but if you want to have some fun with your kids-it's great!

Website and other important information:


Address: 1397 Old Sanford Rd, Pittsboro, NC


(The path to the playground)

(A view of the playground-yes, it's in there, but you can't see much of it because it really blends in with the woods.)

(one end of the zip line and it's seat)

(the pendulum swing)

(the play structure)

(the see saw)

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