Wednesday, May 22, 2013

SoDu Parents Posse

What it is:  It's always nice to have groups of parents that are nearby to ask questions, learn about new things, and meet up with for some fun.  So, I was so happy when I found the SoDu Parents Posse on facebook.  Founded by Kat Benson, she describes this group as a low key group where you can meet other people and explore the Bull city.

Since I've been a member of the group I've learned about great new things to do in the Triangle, been able to answer a few questions, been invited to join in on quite a few fun events, answered polls, and enjoyed being a part of a great, new community.  Oh, and SoDu stands for S. Durham, making us sound as hip and trendy as we, of course, are.

What we liked:  It's a great community with a great vibe.  Plus, it's a great way to learn about things to do in the area and pose questions.  We love being a part of this great Durham community, and this group is another example of what a great place we live in.

What we would change:  There's not much we would change...However, people who are not on facebook cannot join this group, so that's the only drawback.

Website: (It's a closed group so you will have to ask to join.)

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