Thursday, July 25, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Ramblin' Rose Revisited

So, I wanted to revisit this post today because in about a month I will compete in my second Ramblin' Rose triathlon, this time as a blogger ambassador.  When my kids were born I stopped focusing on myself and was completely focused on my wonderful children and family.  While I love that part of my life, it's also important to have things that are just for me.  That's what these triathlons have really done for me.  

I do have to juggle some things to carve out the time for the workouts.  Sometimes it involves getting up a little early, sometimes pushing a jogging stroller, assembling the bike trainer in the living room so I can bike after the kids are in bed, and even getting another mom to watch my kiddos for a few minutes so I can swim some laps while we're at the pool.  However, it is doable, and so rewarding.  

So, if you're thinking about it...sign up, give it a try!  If this mom can do it, then so can you!

There are three left this year in August, September and October, or you could start training now for next year's events starting in May.

What it is: The Ramblin' Rose Tour is a series of events, primarily triathalons created by North Carolina's own Endurance Magazine.  They are raced all throughout North Carolina and have recently expanded into South Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida.  These races are just for women and are designed to give us the opportunity to accomplish races we might not have felt we could.
I raced in my first Ramblin' Rose event after it was recommended to me by one of the other Stir Crazy Moms.  When she suggested that I do a triathalon, I laughed at her.  I am a fairly poor swimmer, I hadn't been on a bike since grade school, and I had two very young small children at home, but she said that these were different.  After just having my second son, I was looking for something to motivate me to get back in shape.  Not only that, I also enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from trying something I've never done before, so I decided to give it a try.  The thing that makes the Ramblin' Rose races manageable is the distance.  The swims are only 10 lengths of a pool, the bike is only 9 miles, and the run is only 2.

The event was fabulous!  I was nervous, but so were the other 1000 or so women who ran, biked, and swam it with me.  That day, I was there all by myself in the beginning, but I wasn't alone because everywhere I looked there were women supporting women.  Each leg, while it wore me out, gave me such a feeling of accomplishment, and the best part, my boys arrived to watch me at each point, supporting me and learning something new about what their mom is capable of.  It was a great experience and I highly recommend it for any mom who's a little tempted.  If you're not up for the swim and bike portions, there is even a new half marathon event coming up in Durham!

What I liked:  I loved the supportive atmosphere of this race, not ultracompetitive, filled with lots of women like me.  I also liked how the distances were short enough that I could do it, but still long enough to be an accomplishment.  They even offer training plans for a small fee to help you accomplish your goal.  Most of all, I like that I can say I actually am a triathalete!

What I would change:  Training for a triathalon is quite a bit of work, as one could imagine.  As a mom of little ones it is extra hard to find the time to get away for training on the bike and in the pool, but I felt it was worth it for my own sanity.

Website and other important information:



(The run-Yes, that's me in the pink crossing the finish line!)

(The bike)

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