Friday, January 10, 2014

School Information Series: Resurrection United Methodist Preschool

School Type: Private Preschool

Resurrection United Methodist Preschool is a small preschool conveniently located in S. Durham near Chapel Hill.  Classes include a PMO that meets one day a week for children that are one year old, a 2 year old's class that meets two days a week, a 3 year olds class that meets three days a week, and a 4's class that meet, you guessed it, 4 days a week.  There is also an option for older students to stay after school for an optional lunch bunch from 12:15-1:15pm.  

The philosophy at Resurrection United Methodist Preschool is "that every child is different, learning at his/her own pace; therefore our preschool curriculum allows for individual expression through teacher-directed activities, self-directed discovery, creative art experiences, gross and fine motor activities, music, story time and other group experiences."   

In my experience, the two greatest benefits of RUMC Preschool are the small size and the teachers.  It keeps it's numbers small so that the preschool really gets to feel like a community.  There are also opportunities for the kids to get together outside of school with summer and weekend playdates as well as a Christmas program and end of the year picnic.  While the size is an advantage, the greatest asset of this school is definitely its teachers.  I have been through the 2's, 3's, and 4's classes with my children, and I am continually impressed by the caring, dedication, expertise, and creativity of each of the teachers.  They truly care about the kids and love what they do.  

Each year, my kids have been happy to arrive each day to engage in hand-on, developmentally appropriate play-based instruction.  My kids learned everyday and were always academically and developmentally ready for the next year, including Kindergarten.  However, all of the instruction was done through play-based instruction, so the kids were playing and having fun everyday.  Depending on the class, you could see kids playing on the playground, dressing up in home or dress up centers, learning how to write their letters, listening to stories, completing puzzles or games during their table work, having a teddy bear picnic, learning from the visiting fire truck or dentist, going on a field trip to Whole Foods or Duke Homestead, hanging out with the class fish, painting, playing with playdoh, or engaging in countless other fun and educational activities.  

The school is safe (doors are locked every morning after drop off and re-opened  for pick-up.)  For those students with allergies, the school is always a nut-free site.  All foods dropped off for snack or lunch bunch must be completely nut-free and everything is double checked by the teacher.  

Upcoming Events: RUMC Preschool will be hosting an Open House for prospective parents from 10-11am on Saturday January 11th.  Simply stop by anytime to get a tour of all of the classrooms, meet the teachers, director, and current parents, and get all of the information that you need.  If you can't make it then, simply contact the director, Jennifer Marhoul, and she can arrange a tour for you and answer any questions you have.

How to Apply: The general public can begin submitting applications (which are available online) on February 3rd.  Students will be admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis until the spots are filled.  At that point, any additional students will be placed on wait lists and notified if any spots open up.

Where they are: Resurrection United Methodist Preschool is located at 4705 Old Chapel Hill Rd., Durham, 27705.  This is just across the street from Githens Middle School and Old Chapel Hill Road Park.  For more information, contact Jennifer Marhoul at


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