Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bull City Play Streets

What it is: Last month I got the chance to attend Bull City Play Streets on Driver street in East Durham  hosted by Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC in partnership with the City of Durham. This endeavour is part of the "Building a Healthier America" initiative where they celebrate  playfull living outdoors with biking,  skating using hoola hoops, bean bags and little-to-no accessory games like "red light green light" and" Simon says". These play street initiatives are hosted throughout Durham during the year in various communities. 

My family and I enjoyed seeing friends and neighbors supporting the community and playing outdoors. The food was delicious, the bouncy houses were a hit, the live marching band and music by DJ PDOGG was nice, and most of all the collaborative effort was effective for showing families and children that there are more ways to have fun than being indoors playing video games.

What we liked: The music was great.  It kept everyone entertained and dancing.

What we would change: Bathroom accessibility in a residential neighborhood for an event like this was a necessity. Especially with kids, I only got by because I had a friend who lived near by. Also the displays from one table to the next were pretty distant.  Condensing everything down to one or two blocks would have been more efficient for walking.

Website and other important information:

For more information visit

Future Event Details coming soon!

Durham Play Street would not be possible without the support of: •Clean Energy Durham •GoTriangle and Get Up and Go Durham •Durham County Healthy Department/The Partnership for a Healthy Durham •Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods) •Be Active, NC •Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Commission •Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina • Clean Energy Durham •Downtown Durham Inc. •Durham Bicycle Coalition •Durham Bike Co-op •Durham Central Market •Durham Department of Transportation •Durham Department of Parks and Recreation •Durham Fire Department •Durham Police Department •Durham Police Reserves •El Centro Hispano • 1-9 Sports •Neighborhood Improvement Services •Playworks •YMCA


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