Sunday, September 21, 2014

Unity in the Community

Check out this great post from Zion about a fabulous community event she checked out a few weeks ago!

What it is: If there was a weekend that had too many fun things to choose from, this may have been the one. With the opening of the new play area in Triangle Town Center, to the 10 year anniversary of the American Tobacco Campus and so much more, it was hard to choose what to do. The weather was gorgeous,  and we decided to picnic that day so we attended the annual Unity in the Community festival hosted by Gospel radio station 103.9FM at the NC State Fairgrounds from 11am-5pm Saturday September 6th. 

This indoor/outdoor event was full of vendors, bouncy houses, awesome on stage performances and community enrichment. We brought our lawn chairs, packed picnic and posted up under a shady tree for the day. Whenever we needed relief from the heat we would go indoors where we were entertained with a second indoor stage and plenty of giveaways by vendors.  My kids walked away with candy,  t-shirts, costume jewelry,  school supplies and so much more. This was a very entertaining event for the whole family and if you've never been you should definitely attend next year.  What's even more important is that this event was in support of our troops and first responders.

What I liked: everything was AMAZING!

What I would change: We had to park quite the distance since so many other events were happening at the fairgrounds. Instead of complaining, it just gave me insight into what to expect next month when we go back to attend the NC State Fair :)

For more information on this event visit


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