Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Please Help! Notasium Music Based Playspace-Kickstarter

I have heard lots of Durhamites comment recently about the lack of an indoor space where kids could play and parents could sit and relax.  Now, we have the chance to make that happen again here in Durham!  Preston Clarke is planning a fabulous space called Notasium which would incorporate a kids play area, a cafe where parents can sit and watch while their kids play, and space for music lessons.

Here is Preston's description of Notasium:

I am trying to raise money to build the first Notasium, a music-based play space and school for the Durham/Chapel Hill area. It will have a play space that will allow young kids to not only play off some energy but exercise their minds and creativity through musical play structures filled with notes, rhythms and symbols. It will offer classes and private lessons in a separate area for kids ready for more focused music instruction as well as a cafe, with seating encircling the play space, where parents can hang out while their kids play and learn safely within sight.

See the video and other info here:

Now, one of the great things that I've learned about the Durham parents community through the years of doing this blog is that we all can really come together as a community to support Durham and what would make Durham better for our families.  This is one of those opportunities where we can all come together, donate what we can, share with others and make this happen.  They have the perfect space picked out, but they could lose it to a much less kid-friendly venue, so we need to help!

I'm going to head over now and donate, and I hope you can do the same!  Thanks!


  1. So glad that you posted about this project! It's a great idea with a wonderful leader in Preston!
