Sunday, March 29, 2015

Giveaway: Flip4Kids FREE WEEK of Summer Camp!!

I am so excited to bring this opportunity to all of my wonderful readers.  Flip4Kids Language Immersion Program is offering one of our lucky readers a free week of full-day camp!!  How awesome is that??

Flip4Kids offers a traditional camp in a full immersion setting.  You can choose from Spanish, French, or Chinese, and they work with kids of all levels from novice to fluent.  The camps run from 9am-3:30pm at Rashkis Elementary in Meadowmont in Chapel Hill.  During the camps kids enjoy music and movement, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor activities, cooking and more, all while learning or maintaining another language.

For example, a recent Spanish camp involved a visit to Kidzu Children's Museum, the fire station, the post office, Harris Teeter to practice grocery shopping, and a Mexican restaurant (where they had to order in Spanish).  They also had a visit from a police officer, made tortillas and cookie houses, observed earthworms, learned songs and more.  Sounds like a great week to me!!

Oh, and if the camp is not for you and your kids, they do also offer classes for kids of all ages from six months and up.  Just check their website for more information:

So, if you'd like to enter to win the FREE WEEK of summer camp simply comment on this blog post on the blog or on facebook!  You can enter the giveaway until midnight, April 6 at which point I'll pick a winner using  Good luck!


  1. Wow! Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. I've heard great things about flip4kids!

  3. Hi - I'm really interested but not sure what the age range is for the camps?? Looked at the website as well and couldn't find the info.

  4. Sounds fantastic! My daughter would love to learn Spanish.

  5. This sounds like a great opportunity!

  6. Wow! This would be awesome.

  7. Thanks for sharing the information. What a great program!

  8. Would be awesome week of camp opportunity for my boys!

  9. I would LOVE to win this. Thanks for the opportunity!

  10. Oh thanks for this opportunity. Please include me:)

  11. I've looked at the flip programs before and always wanted to get my kids involved. This is a fantastic opportunity.
