Sunday, October 18, 2015

Crossfit Kids Classes at Crossfit Durham

Have you wanted to get your kids active, but wasn't sure what sport or how? Guest Stir Crazy blogger Lea Delicio Hart took her daughter to something fun you might not have considered for kids - crossfit!

Crossfit Kids Classes at Crossfit Durham

Last weekend, we checked out the new Crossfit Kids classes at Crossfit Durham with my 7 year old. My daughter was a little nervous, having seen mom do classes at Crossfit Durham, that she was going to be lifting weights. But as their website says, this is not weightlifting for kids. Which isn’t to say they didn’t have a little fun with weights, using a kettle bell weight to do a move the coach called “The Angry Gorilla.”

Crossfit Kids is open to kids ages 5 to 12, and taught by certified Crossfit Kids trainers who are also part of the day-to-day coaching staff at Crossfit Durham. Classes focus on fun ways for kids to exercise and learn healthy lifestyle habits. Kids do cardio work, skills development, teamwork exercises, confidence building exercises and more.

On the day we visited, the kids did an exercise circuit consisting of forward rolls, box jumps (jumping up onto, and stepping down off of a wood box), squats and sit ups, and played games such as a “musical chairs” style game involving a medicine ball.

Classes are sometimes held inside at Crossfit Durham, and sometimes outside in the park behind Central Park School, where kids might go through an obstacle course or take part in a tug-of-war. Coaches always make sure they have a good warm-up session to get them ready for the day’s activities.

All of the movements are based on learning and practicing functional movements that kids use when they play. On top of that, they weave in lessons that help develop critical thinking and reasoning skills while helping kids learn to value leadership and teamwork.

Throughout the classes, coaches will also address body image. As they put it, they want to teach kids to understand that every body is capable of amazing things, and to build confidence making each kid comfortable in his or her own skin.

What we liked: The coach was wonderful and got right down on the kids’ level. My child was having so much fun that she didn’t even notice she was exercising. The coach encouraged the kids to do their best, but never pushed them beyond their limits. Each child was recognized for his or her successes, no matter what level he or she was at. And last, when the coach introduced a new skill or game, he reviewed each movement, then had the kids practice it, before finally starting the activity. This really encouraged what will hopefully be a lifelong habit of skill development to avoid injuries that come from taking on too much, too fast when exercising.

What we would change: Not much! Classes are a little small right now because they’ve just started, but that means even more one-on-one attention. Even as they grow, they’ve set a limit of no more than 10 kids per class so the coach has time to focus on each child.

Website and other important information:

Crossfit Durham
410 W Geer St 
Durham 27701 
(919) 907-1233

Class times and pricing:
Tuesdays, 4pm to 4:45pm
Saturdays, 10am to 10:45am

Pre-register through their website. First class is free; then $15 per class; a 5-class punch card for $60; or a 10-class punch card for $90

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