Friday, May 6, 2016

Family Fun Carnival - Benefit for Ethiopia Reads

This Saturday, May 7th, the local charity Virginia's Wish will be hosting a Family Fun Carnival at Hope Valley Baptist Church. Children and their parents can have a blast at thirteen booths of exciting games and carnival treats. The event supports Ethiopia READS, a program that provides books and literacy activities to children who live in rural Ethiopian communities. Many of the children served by Ethiopia READS have never held a book.

Each year, Virginia’s Wish coordinates two to three family-focused fundraising events for local children and their parents. These fundraisers raise much needed funds for well-vetted children’s charities in Africa. Chairperson of Virginia's Wish, Elizabeth Snyder proudly tells us that "every penny that we raise is sent to programs that supplement children’s nutrition, education, and health care. This is our fourth fundraising event. To date, we have supported Mary’s Meals (Malawi), Kid’s Haven (South Africa), and Door of Hope (South Africa). Virginia’s Wish was named in honor of my mother. She always dreamed of being a medical missionary but, instead, was a wonderful wife and mother." In honor of Elizabeth's mother Virginia, and to celebrate Mother's Day weekend, we hope you'll have some fun for a good cause at Virginia's Wish Family Fun Carnival!

Saturday, May 7th
Hope Valley Baptist Church. 
Admission: $8 for the first child in the family and $6 for siblings. 
More infomation about Virginia's Wish at:

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