Friday, August 5, 2016

WAKA kickball, volleyball, bowling and more!

This summer, our sister group SoDu Parents Posse had their very own WAKA Kickball team and here's what the players said about the season:  

I decided to follow Eleanor Roosevelt's advice and do something that scared me. I've never been comfortable playing sports, but my husband is a lifelong athlete so we thought it would a fun thing for us to do. I like how my children got to see us active, and I loved making new friends and getting exercise in a fun atmosphere. My husband was traveling and only got to play in the finals but it left him really wanting more! 

Chris Allen, who played on a kickball team with his before they had kids, said: "kickball is my weekly night out now- I get some exercise and get to meet some new people which are the main reasons I decided to sign up." 

Lynne Privette, a Durham mom of two, played WAKA Kickball & Sand Volleyball Summer. "I am used to getting my exercise from sports, and getting back into sports after I had kids was so important.  But it's so much harder to find a team that accepts that I'm not in tip-top athletic shape.  I love that WAKA is easing me back into athletic activity and it's fun in the process." 

Kim Johnson said "I got out of the house (read: away from the kiddos,) had a blast, and got a lil exercise!!! A win-win-win!!"

The team, named Grade School Redux, was led by Regina & Barry Jaynes. Regina had more enthusiasm than I've seen in five years of managing leagues. In her last message of the season, she said: "I am so impressed with all of you, and I am so glad that I have had an opportunity to get to meet you and spend one night a week with you."

At the end of the summer, Beth Reid summed it all up by saying " I can't believe it's over."

To learn more about WAKA (which stands for World Adult Kickball Association) and all their social sports check out the blog I wrote earlier this year at:

What we loved: The camaraderie, the exercise, being able to socialize afterward, learning (or relearning a new sport), and having a low-key tournament at the end. Plus it was affordable fun. Plus the practices were held at the athletic field at NC Central, which was a great, convenient location with lots of parking. WAKA also had a get together at Bull McCabes and a group event at Bulls game, so it was more than just paying to play once a week.

What we would change: The game times rotated each week to accommodate all teams, so some were earlier or later. The later ones were harder for those of us with kids that we needed to get to bed, and because we were tired. However, the temperature was better during that time, so it evened out. 

The details:

And here's info on the upcoming season!

Don't Miss Out on WAKA Adult Kickball This Fall

The kids are going back to school soon and maybe you're hoping to add a fun adult activity to your weekly fall schedule. They have the perfect option for you: WAKA Kickball or WAKA Bowling! You can sign up for kickball at or bowling at 

If you want to get in on the action for the fall, here are the league details. 

Registration Link-
Dates: Sept. 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 23
Times: Games will be 50 minutes between 6:30 and 9 pm each week. You'll have a specific schedule at the beginning of the season
Location: Twin Lakes Park, Durham's biggest and newest renovated turf field
After Game Bar: Bull McCabes in Downtown Durham

BONUS just for Stir Crazy readers: 
Email League owner Cindy at for a $5 off code before you register at

WAKA also has a 6 week Monday night bowling league ( starting on Aug. 22 and a 7-week sand volleyball league ( starting on Aug. 28th. 

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