Monday, September 17, 2012

Movement and Music

What it is: Now that my oldest son is in preschool four days a week, it's really nice to have some time to spend with just my younger son.  We have several days a week when we're on our own.  In addition to lots of hugs and playtime, I wanted to make sure that he got out and did some activities just for him.

We found a great activity at Southwest Library on Tuesday mornings.  We head over right after we drop his older brother off at preschool for the 9:30 Movement and Music class.  We have always been great lovers of Durham library storytimes and this one is no exception.  It's geared toward kids ages 0-5 years, but most of the kids that we saw when we were there were under 3.  The storytime included sing-a-longs to some fun songs on tape, playing with shakers and scarves (tons of fun), rhymes, and a story.  It kept my son's attention the whole time and he had a great time.  It seems to be the sort of storytime that would appeal to the same crowd as one of our favorites-Rhymetime at South Library.

What we liked: I liked that fact that they did lots of different things so the kids didn't have time to get bored.  Plus, there are several other great storytimes at the library that morning (Terrific Tales at 10:30 and Bilingual Storytime at 11:15) so you could stick around and make a morning of it.

What we would change: Not much that we would change about this one.  However, if I had brought my older energetic son it might not have held his interest the whole time.

Website and other important information:


Address: Southwest Library, 3605 Shannon Rd

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