Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bull City Sculpture Show

What it is: This Friday, May 2nd my family and I got to experience the kick off of the Bull City Sculpture Show held at Durham Central park downtown.  The event was marked by live entertainment on stage, food trucks,  cold beverages and 12 art sculptures on display in 12 distinct spots around downtown Durham . 

The event was hosted by the Liberty Arts Sculpture Studio & Foundry, a Durham based non-profit arts organization.  If you missed the kickoff know that the twelve outdoor works of art will be on display until October 26, 2014.

What we liked: I'm not very art savvy but it was a fun family event to walk downtown looking for the sculptures by map (which you can find online). An extra incentive is that on the backside of each sculpture display label, you will find a QR code for Bull City Bucks, a great way to earn local prizes!

What we would change: Nothing ! Checking out these art displays gives everyone a chance to explore downtown Durham and enjoy art culture.


(From the opening celebration)

(One of the sculptures)

(Another one)

(How cool are these?)

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