Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Durham Earth Day Festival

I know this event has already happened for this year, but this is definitely one you should add to your annual calendar and file away for next year!

What it is:  The Durham Earth Day Festival is a great festival that has happened on the weekend nearest to Earth Day the past several years at Durham Central Park.  This year was the first year that we stopped by and we had a lot of fun.

When we first arrived I was thinking that it looked a little small.  It certainly didn't take up as much room in the park as one of the massive food truck rodeos.  But once we got under the shelter taking a look at the various booths, we saw that there was a ton going on!  While there were a few food trucks where you could grab a delicious meal, the best part were the booths where kids and adults alike could learn something about how to take care of our earth.

Some of our favorite booths included the stop at Sustain-a-Bull where my son got a tattoo, a booth with a live owl, a great demonstration from the city of Durham about how pollutants get in to our water supply where the kiddos got to use spray bottles, petting a tarantula, watching the folks at Schoolhouse of Wonder make fire, and a big booth from Home Depot where the boys got little aprons and tools and got to make a take home craft-My boys chose a block calendar and a tugboat.  I feel like I actually learned a lot as well, especially about bike paths in Durham and the Ellerbe Creek Watershed.  Other fun booths included a TROSA thrift store,  a recycling yard, live music, and canoeing or kayaking demonstrations.

What we liked:  We liked how the kids and adults had fun and also learned something that we can use to help our environment.  Plus, with the food trucks and music, it was a celebration!

What we would change: It was a great party, but of course, who couldn't use a few more food trucks??

Website and other important information:


Location: Durham Central Park

Date: The nearest weekend to Earth Day this year


(fun nature to explore)

(my son's tattoo)

(a view of the festivities)

(my son's tugboat-he was so proud.)

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