-For more information visit www.ahelpinghandnc.org
*A Stronger Tomorrow (massage therapy and corrective exercise that incorporates massage therapy, stretches, and exercised together that best benefit the client)
-For more information visit the office at 3622 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 3006-D, Durham 27707, call (919) 824-7984, e-mail brandi@astrongertomorrow.net, or visit the website www.astrongertomorrow.net
Abigail Blosser Photography (photographer specializing in portraiture of maternity, newborns, children, and families)
-For information visit their website at www.abigailblosserphotography.
*Arbonne (Anti-aging, skin and body care, cosmetics, and health and wellness products)
-For information or to purchase products contact Andrea Hirth at ahirth@fmrealty.com or visit the website at www.arbonne.com/
*Bull City Craft (craft supplies for purchase as well as opportunities for kids and adults to create items in the store)
-For more information contact Jessica Greene at jessica@bullcitycraft.com or call (919) 419- 0800 or visit their website at bullcitycraft.com
*cara di grafica LLC (experienced graphic design services with an emphasis on print and brand identity)
-For more information contact Cara at: caradigrafica.com.
*Dance Theatre South (dance instruction for children from their first lesson until graduation)
-For more information visit their website at: www.dancetheatresouth.com
*Detail and Design (offering a range of print and web services including publication layout, editing, branding, and web design)
-For more information visit www.detailanddesignstudio.com
*Disha Dewan Photography (family photographer specializing in the natural interactions between families)
-For more information visit her website at: http://dishadewan.com/
*Divine with Wine (in home wine tastings where groups can try artisan handcrafted wine from the Napa area)
-For more information visit Http://www.divinewithwine.com or call Debra Gomes at 919-338-2141
*Go! Veterinary Rehabilitation Clinic (physical rehabilitation, acupuncture, and laser services for pets)
-For more information contact Lauren Whitley at (919) 928-4007 or at LaurenWhitley2@gmail.com
*Healthy Moms of Durham and Chapel Hill (prenatal and mom/baby fitness classes in Durham and Chapel Hill
-For more information visit their website at www.HealthyMomsNC.com
*Heidi Joy Photography- a natural light, on-location photographer specializing in newborn, child, maternity and family portraits.
-For more information contact Heidi via e-mail at heidijoyphoto@gmail.com, or visit her websites at www.heidijoyphotography.com or www.facebook.com/
*i9 Sports of the Triangle (franchise of youth sports leagues, camps, and programs with various locations in Durham and Wake Counties)
-For more information visit their website at: www.i9sports.com or call 919-882-5780
*In the Pink Wigs & Boutique (specialized in selling wigs to women undergoing cancer treatment)
-For more information visit their website at www.inthepinkwigs.com
*Jamberry, (fashion nail wraps)
-For more information contact Carly McCracken at carly.s.mccracken.gmail.com or 919-314-7717 or visit the website: https://www.facebook.com/wrapyournailswithme
-For more information visit their website at: jenidwyercreative.com
*Joel Williams Guitar (Delight your guests with elegant, heart-warming guitar! Live music sets the tone for your event with an air of sophistication. Joel works closely with you to provide beautiful music and give you the personal, professional attention you deserve! Weddings, Events, Parties ~ Classical, Jazz, Traditional, Modern)
-For more information visit his website at www.joelwilliamsguitar.com
*Lappegard Photography (Photography services including wedding, newborn, child, maternity and family portraits.)
-For more information visit their website at www.lappegardphotography.com or email at plappegard@gmail.com
*Offering a 20% discount on any session fee and print order. Please mention Stir Crazy Moms!
*The Mad Popper (Gourmet popcorn yumminess for gifts or a great snack)
-For more information or to purchase popcorn visit their website at http://www.themadpopper.com/ or check out the store located at 105 W NC54, Suite 259. Durham, NC 27713
*Mas Sato Designs (modern children's furniture maker)
-For more information or to purchase furniture visit their website at www.massatodesigns.com.
*Melanie Busbee Photo (Weddings, commercial, and other photography services)
-For more information or to inquire about photography services visit their website at www.melaniebusbeephoto.com
*Miche (Interchangeable handbags, accessories, and jewelry)
-For more information contact: wendyf.miche.com
*Morgan Henderson Photography (specializes in fun family and wedding photography, often including dogs)
-For more information contact: morgan@morganhendersonphotography.com, or visit www.morganhendersonphotography.com, or https://www.facebook.com/MorganHendersonPhotography
*Precious Bundles Stork Greetings (provides stork sign rentals for a fun and creative birth announcement)
-For more information call (919) 544-6559, email preciousbundlesnc@gmail.com, or visit www.preciousbundlesnc.com
*Red Bridge Photo (Photography services including weddings, baby, and children photography)
-For more information or to inquire about photography services visit their website at redbridgephoto.com or e-mail: annie@redbridgephoto.com
*Rosa Ashdown Photography (Family, child, and newborn photographer)
-For more information visit their website at http://www.
Phone: 919-597-8445
-Mention that you found them on Stir Crazy Moms and you'll receive a 20% session fee discount!
*Send Out Cards (A greeting card and gift company: Greeting cards, gift cards, gifts, photo books, canvas photos, calendars, business cards and more.)
*also looking for moms to work from home
*Soggy South Mason Jars (hand painted modern striped, scalloped, and custom jars in quart and large half gallon sizes for table centerpieces, weddings, gifts, favors, etc.)
-For more information visit www.soggysouth.com or find them on facebook or Etsy
*Stella and Dot Jewelry (Celebrity coveted jewelry sold through personal styling, online sales, private home parties)
-For more information or to purchase products contact one of the following consultants:
Nicolle Hawley at: www.stelladot.com/sites/nicollehawley
Jennifer Urban at: www.stelladot.com/
*Sunless Seduction (a spray tanning company that provides individualized tans to clients from the comfort of their own home)
-For more information e-mail-tiff@sunlessseduction.com or call 919-355-TANU (8268)
*Talk About It Speech & Language Therapy Services, PLLC (speech and language pathology practice)
-For more information contact Wendy at www.talkaboutitslp.com
*Tangerine Clean (cleaning cooperative using all natural products)
-For more information visit their website at: www.tangerineclean.coop or e-mail or call at: info@tangerineclean.coop or (919)475-0307
*Thirty One Gifts (a company offering stylish purses, accessories and products that help organize your life)
-For more information visit one of the following consultants:
-Vickie Turner: http://www.mythirtyone.com/vickieturner31/
-Nicole Galiger: http://www.mythirtyone.com/nicolegaliger
*Willow House (home decor items and now Designer Jewelry by Sara Blaine)
-For more information or to purchase products contact Sarah Johnson at http://sarahj.willowhouse.com, e-mail at sarahjathome@yahoo.com, or call at (919) 403-6255 or (919) 812-3672
*Yda Balcazar, English to Spanish Translator (Over five years of experience translating, proofing, and editing materials from a wide variety of fields)
-For more information contact yda.balcazar@gmail.com
*yourmomdesigns (nesting bowls, teething rings, paper chain inspired necklaces, earrings, bracelets and kid friendly jewelry all lovingly crocheted in bright colors, often using t-shirt yarn that is made by hand)
-For more information visit: https://www.etsy.com/shop/yourmomdesigns