What we like: Gymboree classes are a cross between music classes (i.e. KinderMusik) and Little Gym. They involve activities to enhance motor skills (i.e. climbing, jumping) and music activities at the end of the class. They also allow the toddler the opportunity to explore the equipment at his/her pace. It is a nice balance between structured play and free time.
The equipment and theme change every two weeks. This promotes repetition so the toddlers receive a similar class for two weeks. But it also a nice change after two weeks to keep their interest.
Finally, you can sign up from month to month and can stop the class at any time. So unlike other classes where you may have to sign up for 12 to 20 weeks you can stop this class after one or two months.
What we would change: The classes tend to be a bit expensive much like some of the other classes in the area. Also most of the activities in the classes I've attended (Play and Learn 4 & 5) tend to focus more on motor skills and less on social interaction and language development. These are areas that could really benefit my toddler son.
Additional information:
You can sign up for a free class on their website or e-mailing the address below:
Gymboree of Durham
3515 Witherspoon Blvd., Durham, NC 27707 US
Phone: (919) 419-3150
Email: durhamnc@gymboreeclasses.com

(Image courtesy of Gymboree website)
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