Monday, May 24, 2010

Mixed-Up Libraries

This post is actually not a review of something new, but new information we thought would be helpful for everyone. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I have been pretty confused by the library situation in South Durham right now. There are old libraries shutting down, new ones opening up, and this can make it hard for someone who just wants to take their toddler to storytime.

So, here's the update. Parkwood Library is closing its doors as of June 28th. It will be closed for one month and then will be reopening in a new location on July 27th. The new location will be at the corner of Alston Ave. and Hwy. 54 in South Durham, and the new library will no longer be called Parkwood, it will be called the South Regional Branch. In addition to this mix up, the Southwest Library which has been closed for renovation for the recent past has reopened today. This location is off of Shannon Rd. near the post office in Central Durham.

I had one major concern with the closing of Parkwood Library, and that was the fact that we would no longer be able to go to Rhymetime. My son had become a big fan of the teacher that leads it. Fortunately, Rhymetime fans need not fear because it will be happening at the same time at Southwest library led by, Lauren, the teacher moving from the Parkwood library. YAY!

I hope this helps everyone be able to find a library near to them for their toddler to enjoy for storytime, Rhymetime, or just checking out or exploring books! I can't wait to go check out the new and renovated libraries in town!

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