Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Top Five Sunny Parks

Today was a beautiful day!  We spent so much time outside and it made me wish that spring was here!  However, I know that soon the cold is expected to return.  That means, if we do head outside, we have to find a nice sunny park where we won't be so cold.  I've had a poll running on the sidebar of the blog for a few months where you, our readers could vote on your favorite area sunny park.  I thought that now was the perfect time to announce the results, so all of us could discover the sunny spots on the upcoming cold days!

1. Forest Hills Park-With 28% of the vote, Forest Hills was your top choice for a sunny park in Durham.  We usually love this spot in the summer because of the water spray area, but in the winter that part is closed.  Even with the water shut off, there is still plenty to recommend this park on a cold day including swings, a great play structure, several shelters, a big field with huge trees to play under, and even a bridge to explore. 

2. Pullen Park-With 20% of the vote, Pullen Park in Raleigh was your second favorite sunny park.  This park was recently renovated, and there is so much for you to explore even when the weather is a bit breezy.  The sun shines on two great playgrounds, one for the older kids and one for the younger, sandboxes, a boat ride, a train around the park, a merry-go-round, paddle boats, and a great snack bar.  You could easily spend a day exploring all this park to offer.

3. Old Chapel Hill Road Park-In 3rd place with 13% of the vote is another recently renovated park.  Old Chapel Hill Road Park is located just next door to Githens Middle school and is full of unique features to play on including a huge rope play structure, a rock wall, swings, a small play structure, and several fun places where you can spin and slide and otherwise have fun.  While in the summer this one can get too hot, it's perfect for these cold days when the sun is out but the wind is blowing.

4. Cornwallis Road Park-Two parks were tied for 4th place with 8% of the vote.  The first of these is Cornwallis Road Park.  This one does have some trees around it, especially on the trails, but the actual play area is in the sun.  There you can find a play structure, swings, some rocks to climb, picnic tables, and more.  The trails around it are also a lot of fun.

5. Walltown Park-This one is located across the street from Northgate Mall in North Durham.  Again, this one has been recently renovated with brand new play structures.  There isn't really any shade covering this nice fenced play area with one really tall fantastic play structure with my little ones loved climbing. 

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