Friday, September 10, 2010

The Playhouse Toy Store

What it is: This is a great toy store that we found in our tours of Ninth Street.  It was full of countless toys from baby gear to games for older kids.  There were costumes, stuffed animals, musical instruments, globes, train tables, dollhouses, and so much more. The store feels crammed full of toys as so many good toy stores do.  There was a train table, some kitchen accessories, and a dollhouse for the kids to play with, and many other toys to investigate. 

What we liked: We loved how full this store was with toys.  It's nice when kids can walk into a store and have their eyes widen with the view of all the toys, and this one felt this way to me.  It was also nice that there were some toys in the store for kids to investigate and play with.  One of the most unique aspects of the store that we noticed was a little cabinet stuck in a front corner.  It said that the store had a game lending library!  Turns out kids that are a little older than my toddler can check out games to play!  I can't wait until he gets a little older so we can check this feature out.

What we would change: Since the store was so full of toys it was a little difficult to navigate with the infant stroller. 

Website and other important information:


Address: 702 Ninth Street, Durham, NC 27705

Phone Number: 919-286-1317

Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 6pm


1 The view from the outside

2. Wall to wall toys

3. A few tables to investigate

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